Silk Purse Interactive: A place to while away your time.
Check out the Thoughts page for the recent posts. Be sure to leave comments if you wish. Also, be sure to contemplate the hidden meaning behind a website called “Silk Purse” that features images of leather ones.
Stub Typewriter Post
Typewriter post coming soon! It will be about the advantages of writing content on a manual typewriter, as opposed to a computer. Also there will be a discussion of the history of the machine I’m using.
Sue Dominates the Reception
Yes, it was pretty impressive being hosted by a T. rex named Sue at a Chicago reception for the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists in late August of 2011. Actually, we don’t know if Sue is male or female,…

Cicero said “If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.” To that I would add just one thing: vinyl on the turntable!